Yamaha Pianos (Advert)
Grand Piano Sales
We have a great selection of the finest yamaha grand pianos in the UK. Prices
start at around £4000. Please click below for more info & photos:
GRAND PIANO (click for sales)
Yamaha DGT7A Disklavier Grand Piano
4' 11" Disklavier GranTouch Digital Grand Piano
The advantages of a digital
Unlike acoustic pianos, the DGT7A lets you control performance volume, or
play and listen in total privacy through one or two pairs of headphones. They
never need tuning, adjust easily to the pitch of other instruments, and connect
to external MIDI and audio components.
Recording & playback
Disklavier technology lets you record and reproduce what you play, or enjoy
the performance of world-class artists 'live' in your own home. You can cancel
the key movement to play along, change the tempos transpose into other keys
— even play one hand while the piano plays the other.
Nearly 700 digital voices
The Yamaha XG tone generator provides 697 instrumental and specialty voices
(491 selectable) plus sophisticated digital effects. It also interacts with
other MIDI equipment, and enables orchestrated piano/ensemble concerts.